* What is computer?

Computers are used in many fields like banking, medicine. finance and education with increased preference. With the growth of artificial intelligence, Computers will soon blur lines between man and machine.

Under such circumstances. a rudimentary knowledge of computers is essential for everyday work. For those who are yet familiar with computers, now is the time to gain knowledge about this field. As children will be living with this scenario in future, their employment capability will be tested against computers.tp make them future-ready, it is essential or prepare them for this inevitability.

You may have been using your computers for ages without knowing what its essential components, history or even computer definition are. But now with your children ready to take the next step into learning computers. you may be set by various questions that you cannot seem to answer.

* What Are the Types of computers?

Computers can be differentiated based on their modes of function as well as their size and functionality. Here they have been divided into different types of computers without considering any of these factor.

1. Analogue computer

These are old models of computers that work on the continuous analogue signals rather than discrete signals. They are not very accurate but extremely fast.

  • These computers allow real-time computation and operations at the same time. further, it continuously represents all data within the range of the analog computer system.
  • In some applications, analog computers help perform calculations without using transducers to convert both the inputs and outputs to a digital electronic form and vice versa.
  • Programmers can also scale the problem for the dynamic range of analog computers. This provides excellent insight into the actual situation. It also helps in learning about any errors and their effects
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2. Digital computer

Computers that use binary system of counting using electrical pulses of ON and OFF are known as digital computers. They function on discrete values and are generally more accurate.

  • Digital computers allow users to store a large amount of information. The stored information can be retrieved whenever it is required.
  • New features can easily be added to the digital system.
  • Ability to change the problem without making any changes in the hardware of the system.
  • The cost of the hardware of digital computers is often less because of the advancement in the Integrated Circuit (IC) techbikigy.
  • These system process data digitally at a very high speed.
  • Digital computers use error correction codes because of which these systems are very reliable.

3. Hybrid computer / laptop

Computers that have features of both digital and analogue computers are known as hybrid computers. The analogue part of a computer handles very complicated mathematical compilations while digital components handle these numerical and logical systems.

  • The computing speed of hybrid computers is very high. This is due to the all-parallel configuration of the analog subsystem.
  • these computers help in online data processing.
  • Hybrid computers can manage and solve large equations in real-time.
  • The results are produced quickly and in la more efficient manner. The final results are both accurate and useful.

4. Main frame computer

Mainframe computers are computers that are accessed simultaneously by several thousands of people at once. They are used in fields of banking and telecom where they have to handle millions of requests together in minimal time.121 Blog Ideas and Topics to Write About (semrush.com)

5. Supercomputer

Thes massive computers are used in the fields of engineering and scientific computations. They usually perform over a million instructions per second. super computations are one of the fastest computers in the world. These computers are costly and are only employed for specialized applications that require a large number of mathematical calculations or numbers crunching.

For example, supercomputers tasks are animated graphics, scientific simulations. weather forecasting, geological data analysis in industries like petrochemical prospecting, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research, and electronic, ETC: –

S.NO.Type of computerDescription
1.Personal Computer (PC)It is a type of single-user computer system that has a moderately powerful microprocessor.
2.Digital ComputerIt is also a single-user computer system, but it has a powerful microprocessor.
3.Mini ComputerIt is a multi-user computer system. It is capable of supporting hundreds of users all at the same time.
4.Main frame computerIt is a computer system that can be used for multiple users. It can support hundreds of users at the same time. It is different from minicomputers in terms of its software technology.
5.SupercomputerIt is an incredibly fast computer system that is capable of executing hundreds of millions of instructions

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